An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of the brain's electrical wave activity, conducted from wires placed on the scalp. This test is performed for multiple conditions, particularly epilepsy.

How is it Performed?

When receiving an EEG, please take the following steps;

  1. Report at your allocated date and time
  2. Ensure you go to the bathroom before you enter the room 
  3. Patients will relax in a recliner for the duration of the test
  4. The EEG Technician will prepare small spots on your head by using a cotton swab to scrub the areas
  5. Approximately 27 electrode discs will be placed onto your head, held in place with toothpaste-like cream or glue
  6. The next 20-40 minutes will be spent recording your brain waves 
  7. At the end of the test, the Technician will remove the electrodes and you are ready to leave 

Side Effects

There are generally no side effects, other than dirty hair. 


EVERYONE having an EEG must:

  • Wash their hair the night before the EEG. Do not apply any sprays, lotions, or oils to your hair, and have someone check/treat your hair for headlice.
  • Wear a button up or V-necked shirt 
  • You are able to eat, drink and take prescribed medication as usual, but avoid caffeine. 
  • Children should be accompanied by their favourite toy or blanket. 
  • If the child is very young and unable to hold still for the placement of the electrodes, swaddling the child for the duration of the test may be neccessary.
  • Please do not sleep on the way to the appointment. This test is most useful under drowsiness and sleep. 
  • Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. 

Should your physician instruct you to have a sleep deprived EEG, please follow the instructions below:

  • For sleep-deprivation studies in children, please put them to bed at their usual bedtime 
  • Parents should wake the child early depending on age:
    • Under 3 years old - wake at 4:00am 
    • 3-11 years - wake at 2:00am
    • 12+ - wake at midnight 
    • Adults - do not sleep
  • Do not use caffeine or other stimulants to stay awake
  • Do not sleep while travelling to or waiting for the EEG
  • It is advised that you do not drive to or from the EEG due to sleep deprivation